Tied with a bow
“Please tell Sister Martha we love her.”
They call her Sister Martha, I call her mom. But as we sat around the table chatting and making jewelry, it was obvious we had all experienced the same compassion from her. Character building, encouragement, and nursing us back to health.
When I hugged her goodbye in 1998, other family and even new friends filled in the hole she left. But it seems my grown brother and I needed to share her with a different family for a while. She left behind full-time mom and pastor’s wife to become Children’s Home nurse and co-director with my dad. And she more than filled the role, she embraced the call and the kids.
Even after retiring from the field they continued to make trips to Faith Home and even took their grandchildren. Here they are several years ago with my daughter and an Alumni Christmas party.
And if you loved the yellow polka-dot ribbons tied around your packages...that was her labor of love for adding to our joy!
So when choosing a name for an earring that said ‘love’ it wasn’t hard to name it Martha.